dilluns, 24 d’octubre del 2016


The test doesn't say that I'm very good in something but it says that I'm good in bodily-      kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal and musical and I'm not really good in the rest of the intelligences.

I think it's kinda wrong because also I think that I'm good in things that here it doesn't say. So, I disagree with it because I like the most biology and I think I'm not that bad. I know nothing about music and the test says I'm good in it. Also, says that I don't have logical-mathematical intelligence, yes, I don't like maths but I'm not that bad either.

 But in a little part I agree with it because I thing I have interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. I like doing sports and I do it often. Also I'm according with this because I don't have any visual spatial intelligence and I don't like it at all. 


She was born in a village of Albacete, she married and had five children, who one of them is my mother now. When my mother was a teenager my grandfather died of cancer and she had to get ahead the family on her own. I think she is very strong and hard-working because she never gave up. She's always smiling in spite of everything and she always worries about the others before her. My hero is my grandmother and I admire my granmother because she is a brave women and when I grow up I want to be like her.

diumenge, 23 d’octubre del 2016

Animal in me

In english class we did the quiz the animal in you and it says I'm a rooster!!
Roosters are talented, creative, and somewhat eccentric. They are original, fashionable and perfectionist. I don't know if I am all of these things so I can't say I agree or not. It says roosters have a high-energy behavior I agree with that because I'm an energetic person but also I have my quiet moments. The test says they are theatrical an I agree a little with that because people tell me that a lot of times. It also says I'm good painting but I don't think so because i'm horrible painting. It says roosters are expensive and spend a lot, so I agree with that because I don't know save money. 

The careers that are in the test are:
  •  Broadcaster
  •  Insurance agent
  •  Medical
  •  Actor
  •  Journalist

  • I only agree with two careers which are Medical and actor. I agree with the medical because apart from I want to study something like this I love all the series related to that. And I'm not totally agree with the actor but a little part of me is agree because when I was little I dreamed to being an actor.

  • And the hobbies are:

    •  Eating out
    • Socializing
    • Shopping
    • Music
    I agree with all the hobbies. Maybe eating out is the least that I agree. I love go shopping because I like to innovate. And also I love music, I am always listening music and I think I never could get tired of music.


    I don't have many dreams but I always wanted to have a good future. I think this is the most important thing right now because I don't know what I will do in my future and I'm worried about it. I think I would have to say things like "I want to be biologist and keep playing volleyball" but that is a purpose to me, not a dream. My dream is be happy the rest of my life doing whatever I like and be surrounded by people that I love and make them happy. I wanna get home after work and say "this is what I want and I don't need nothing else".