How many people can our planet support?
So many people are worried about overpopulation. Overpopulation is the fear of most of politicians about the future of the plantet. What will happen If we keep procreating and the population keeps growing? Will we really fit in the Earth?or there will be an excess of people?
Investigators say that the problem is not the big number of people in the world, because the Earth is bigger enough, but the scarcity of recources. Population growth has been really fast and we don't have clues about the possible consequences that it could make. If we focus on the carbon emissions, there are cities in poor nations that emit less that one tone of CO2 per person per year and cities in rich nations can have 6 to 30 tonnes of CO2 per person per year, so the difference between individuals are really big.
New words:
Wince: Gest de dolor.
Footprint: Patjada.
knowledge: Conomiento.
divendres, 17 de novembre del 2017
divendres, 10 de novembre del 2017
The Paris climate deal is a pact between the 200 countries (more exactly 196) together in the fight against climate change. The purpose of this deal is that every country has the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to come into a low-carbon emissions world.
So, the Kyoto protocol of 1997 set an emission reduction target for the developed countries and USA pulled out of the deal.
USA, among two other countries (Nicaragua and Syria), isn't supportive of the Paris climate agreement.
To confront the climate change everey country has to limit even more global temperatures to 1'5ºC. And every 5 years there's a review to each country's contribution to cutting emissions. The rich conutries have to help the poorest nations by providing "climate finance"(which may be drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing).
About the money, the reach nations have been promised 100 bn a year by 2012 and the deal keeps saying that developed countries should help and provide support for poor nations to stop with climate change and incline the other countries to join the agreement.
All the analysts say that this is the beggining towards a low-carbon future and there's much more to do.
Achieving, achieve: To reach a goal.
Regard: To have or concern respect for.
Pledge: A solemn promise.
The Paris climate deal is a pact between the 200 countries (more exactly 196) together in the fight against climate change. The purpose of this deal is that every country has the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to come into a low-carbon emissions world.
So, the Kyoto protocol of 1997 set an emission reduction target for the developed countries and USA pulled out of the deal.
USA, among two other countries (Nicaragua and Syria), isn't supportive of the Paris climate agreement.
To confront the climate change everey country has to limit even more global temperatures to 1'5ºC. And every 5 years there's a review to each country's contribution to cutting emissions. The rich conutries have to help the poorest nations by providing "climate finance"(which may be drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing).
About the money, the reach nations have been promised 100 bn a year by 2012 and the deal keeps saying that developed countries should help and provide support for poor nations to stop with climate change and incline the other countries to join the agreement.
All the analysts say that this is the beggining towards a low-carbon future and there's much more to do.
Achieving, achieve: To reach a goal.
Regard: To have or concern respect for.
Pledge: A solemn promise.
dimarts, 3 d’octubre del 2017
Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name
Killing in the name of!
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
But now you do what they told ya
Well now you do what they told ya
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya!
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Come on!
Yeah! Come on!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
It's clear that this song is reclaiming and clamouring something and it seems to be a very revolutionary song. I can understand that this song is about the authority exercised by the system on the citizens and acusses people that works for the criminal justice of abusing of the rights of the system like the lawyers, policemen and judges. When it says "Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" it's talking about them. And also when it says "And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control" I think it is saying that you are doing what people from above told you to do, you are obeying them, you're controled by them. And I think that's why at the final of the song says "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" because he's not going to do what they told him, he's going to rebel and turn against the law.
Killing in the name of!
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
But now you do what they told ya
Well now you do what they told ya
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya!
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Come on!
Yeah! Come on!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
It's clear that this song is reclaiming and clamouring something and it seems to be a very revolutionary song. I can understand that this song is about the authority exercised by the system on the citizens and acusses people that works for the criminal justice of abusing of the rights of the system like the lawyers, policemen and judges. When it says "Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" it's talking about them. And also when it says "And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control" I think it is saying that you are doing what people from above told you to do, you are obeying them, you're controled by them. And I think that's why at the final of the song says "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" because he's not going to do what they told him, he's going to rebel and turn against the law.
diumenge, 11 de juny del 2017
Hello, as you know this has been my last year in ESO, I can't believe it yet. I still remember my first day in 4th of ESO, I was so angry with the teachers because they changed the classes and I didn't know anyone from this class and I wanted a change. But now I'm glad I didn't change, although at the beggining I bored a lot, I met new people and lately I had really fun.
Also I remember my sister last year used to say that 4th of ESO was really hard, that she didn't have time to herself, but I think that it wasn't too much. The first two terms I think I dind't study a lot but I got it, not with very good grades but I got it. And this third term my marks got a little higher. I'd like to say that I've learned a lot this year both culturally psicologically.
I can't believe I just finished ESO. But now, I am gonna enjoy this summer a lot with my friends and all the people that I like because this september I will be studing hard again.
Also I remember my sister last year used to say that 4th of ESO was really hard, that she didn't have time to herself, but I think that it wasn't too much. The first two terms I think I dind't study a lot but I got it, not with very good grades but I got it. And this third term my marks got a little higher. I'd like to say that I've learned a lot this year both culturally psicologically.
I can't believe I just finished ESO. But now, I am gonna enjoy this summer a lot with my friends and all the people that I like because this september I will be studing hard again.
dissabte, 3 de juny del 2017
One love Manchester
Ariana Grande started to be famous when she was in the program Victorious seven years ago. But nowadays she is know for her wonderful voice and for being one of the best youth singers. As everybody knows last may 22 she was giving a concert at Manchester Arena (United Kingdom) and at least twenty two people was killed and more than 50 got hurt because of a terrorist attack provoked by a suicide bomber.
After the tragic concert Ariana decided to leave the tour and to give a benefit concert this sunday June 3 in Manchester Emirates Old Trafford to benefit the victims of the concert. The proceeds of this concert will go to the Fundation ''we love Manchester'' that was created by the town hall of the city. She will be accompanied by some artists like Justin Bieber, Coldplay, Black Eyed Peas, Katty Perry, Robbie Williams, Usher, Miley Cyrus and another stars.
Last friday June 2 she came back to United Kingdom to visit the attempt victims at Manchester hospital and she makes her fans vey very happy for being able to be with her.
I feel so sorry for all the victims that that terrorist attack caused, I can't even imagine everything that she and the families of the victims are going through in this moment of their lives. I think it's a shame that exists people like this in the world, I don't know how someone is capable to do something like this to people, to kids... How can anyone end with somebody's inocent life? If you want to explote a bomb in your body because you are mad with the world okay, do it, but don't hurt any other people because they don't deserve it. They had a beautiful life to live and somebody ended with it, somebody took it with no regrets. They don't deserved this, nobody does.
After the tragic concert Ariana decided to leave the tour and to give a benefit concert this sunday June 3 in Manchester Emirates Old Trafford to benefit the victims of the concert. The proceeds of this concert will go to the Fundation ''we love Manchester'' that was created by the town hall of the city. She will be accompanied by some artists like Justin Bieber, Coldplay, Black Eyed Peas, Katty Perry, Robbie Williams, Usher, Miley Cyrus and another stars.
Last friday June 2 she came back to United Kingdom to visit the attempt victims at Manchester hospital and she makes her fans vey very happy for being able to be with her.
I feel so sorry for all the victims that that terrorist attack caused, I can't even imagine everything that she and the families of the victims are going through in this moment of their lives. I think it's a shame that exists people like this in the world, I don't know how someone is capable to do something like this to people, to kids... How can anyone end with somebody's inocent life? If you want to explote a bomb in your body because you are mad with the world okay, do it, but don't hurt any other people because they don't deserve it. They had a beautiful life to live and somebody ended with it, somebody took it with no regrets. They don't deserved this, nobody does.
dimarts, 23 de maig del 2017
Love song
A thousand years
This song is from the saga Twilight, Breaking Dawn part 2 and it's a kind of love that talks about eternal love and to love somebody forever. As the song says "I have loved you for a thousand years and I'll love you for a thousand more" because in the movie they are immortals, so the love is immortal too.
This song is from the saga Twilight, Breaking Dawn part 2 and it's a kind of love that talks about eternal love and to love somebody forever. As the song says "I have loved you for a thousand years and I'll love you for a thousand more" because in the movie they are immortals, so the love is immortal too.
Some of my life experiences
I have already been in a cruiser to Greece: I went to Greece in 2008 in a cruiser with my family from my father's side. We went from Barcelona to Greece and there we took the cruiser. We visited Venecia, Mykonos, Dubrovnik, Rodas and Santorini. I just remember a little things from there that I would know more about, but everything I can remember is great and beautiful.
I have already been in a cruiser to Norway: In 2011 I went to Norway with my family from my father's side again. We took an airplane from Barcelona to Paris and then we took another from Paris to Amsterdam, there we took the cruiser. We visited Bergen, Trondheim, Andalsnes, Geiranger, Lofoten Islans, Nord Kapp and Olden.
I have already flown in skydive: I did it the same year that it was inagurated. And I think I did it three times at least because a friend of my mother used to work there and invited us a few times.
I have already snowboarded and skied: I always used to ski every time that I was going to the snow but this year I wanted to do something diferent and I did a class of snowboard two days. It wasn't easy but I don't think that it was so difficult. It was really fun.
I haven't traveled around the world yet: My biggest dream is to travel around the world, there are so many places I want to go like Thailand, Australia, USA, Mexico...
I haven't done bungee jumping yet: I would like to do it some day, it seems really fun and exited.
I have already been in a cruiser to Norway: In 2011 I went to Norway with my family from my father's side again. We took an airplane from Barcelona to Paris and then we took another from Paris to Amsterdam, there we took the cruiser. We visited Bergen, Trondheim, Andalsnes, Geiranger, Lofoten Islans, Nord Kapp and Olden.
I have already flown in skydive: I did it the same year that it was inagurated. And I think I did it three times at least because a friend of my mother used to work there and invited us a few times.
I have already snowboarded and skied: I always used to ski every time that I was going to the snow but this year I wanted to do something diferent and I did a class of snowboard two days. It wasn't easy but I don't think that it was so difficult. It was really fun.
I haven't traveled around the world yet: My biggest dream is to travel around the world, there are so many places I want to go like Thailand, Australia, USA, Mexico...
I haven't done bungee jumping yet: I would like to do it some day, it seems really fun and exited.
dimarts, 9 de maig del 2017
Unesco Cultural Heritage

In the forests of plitvice also inhabit some animals like the brown bear, the wolf, the lynx, the eagle ...
I wish I could be there some day.

dimarts, 2 de maig del 2017
Easter holidays
I am gonna talk about my easter holidays. I can say I had a very very good time this easter and I spent it in more than one city or place.
My easter started the next day that we came from italy, it was sunday and I was so tired because I had to wake up at 8:00 am and I didn't rest enough but I dind't care much because I was about to start another trip with my family, I was going to Zaragoza and I really wanted to visit the city and being a tourist. We spent one day in the city and the next morning we went to the capital, Madrid. Since a year ago I wanted to see Madrid and visit it so I was so impatient to arrive. The fist day I was there we went to the bus tourist to know a little more about the city and took a walk. The second day in the morning I went to visit "El museo del Prado", it was very interesting but at the end it stared to get tired. In the afternoon I went to ''el parque del retiro'' and took a walk around there, it was a very nice day and there was a lot of people there, I liked so much that place. The third day I visited "El escorial" we did a guided tour and it turned out to be very interesting, I really was interested in what they explained us. And in the afternoon we went to ''El Valle de los Caidos'' and as in the social class we had studied the civil war and the francoism I was a bit more aware of the subject. The last day there in the morning we went to visit "El palacio Real" but it was closed, so we took a walk around that area and after lunch we left Madrid and we went to my mother's village in Albacete. There, we spent the three days left with our family and friends, there's nothing like that village and I love being there. Sunday morning we came back but we stopped in Barcelona to my grandparents house to celebrate the easter day. Then we went home and all the trip was over, I got into a depression and I wanted to start the trip again.

dilluns, 24 d’abril del 2017
Best Italy picture
I think I can define my trip in two parts: Cecilia and Iman, and that's the reason why I chose this picture, because we were inseparables the whole time.
This picture was taken in Rome, more especificly in the fontana di Trevi, we were so exited to be there and see it, because everyone was talking about it and I think that this was what I liked the most.
That day we took a lot of pictures and this is not our best shot but in spite of our faces I like it because we are together in front of the fonatana di Trevi and I think it's a nice photo. Also, I like this picture because every time I see it I remember the moment and all the great time we spent together.
We took many many pictures but for everything that I said before this is the one I prefer.
This picture was taken in Rome, more especificly in the fontana di Trevi, we were so exited to be there and see it, because everyone was talking about it and I think that this was what I liked the most.
That day we took a lot of pictures and this is not our best shot but in spite of our faces I like it because we are together in front of the fonatana di Trevi and I think it's a nice photo. Also, I like this picture because every time I see it I remember the moment and all the great time we spent together.
We took many many pictures but for everything that I said before this is the one I prefer.
dissabte, 18 de març del 2017

The first reason I want to go there is because of all the National Parks and beaches, all the landscape is so beatuiful that makes me wanna cry because I'm not there.

I want to explore each place and every jungle of Thailand as much as possible.
dilluns, 13 de març del 2017
This picture is one of the photographs taken by Sebastiao Salgado. I choose this one mostly because lions are one of my favourite animals, but not just for that. This photograph expresses tranquility and honesty, but at the same time strength and a lot of bravery. I think lions are the kings of the junlge and in this photo I see it, the lion is just sit right there controlling everything and supervising the others animals around and it makes me feel like he is superior and protective with his family and the group.
dissabte, 11 de març del 2017
People in Somalia die of hunger
Because of a big drought, people, mostly young boys and girls die in Somalia. Over one hundred people died during 48 hours. Five hundred people needs help and it warns of famine, they are too many.
The drought affects a half part of the population and all the droughts that have been, have left a fragile country. Now, the big drought is in many areas of the country.
Because of a big drought, people, mostly young boys and girls die in Somalia. Over one hundred people died during 48 hours. Five hundred people needs help and it warns of famine, they are too many.
The drought affects a half part of the population and all the droughts that have been, have left a fragile country. Now, the big drought is in many areas of the country.
Shot types and camera angles
High angle:
This picture is taken from a scene of game of thrones. We can see Jon Snow coming out from the crowd in the battle of bastards. It is an important scene because he was on the floor and everyone was stepping him and suddenly he shows up to fight.
Slanted angle:
This angle shows Tourmund of Game of thrones climbing a wall of ice from an unnatural point of view. The picture is taken from a high level too because it shows a hard and dangerous scene.
Point of view:
This picture is taken of Breaking bad and it shows Walter and Jesse looking something with an unknonwn look. And sometimes this point is intriguing because you don't know what's in there and you would like to know it.
Wide shot:
The picture is taken from a wide shot and we can see a landscape and the sea full of ships. It shows the ending scene of season 6 of Game of thrones when Daerneys is going to westeros to conquer the iron throne.
Close up shot:
This picture is taken from a scene of Harry Potter. In this shot we can see from close up the emotions and the face experssions that people are showing.
Eye level shot:
This picture shows the face of Arya Stark in an eye level angle. This angle shows the person of the picture looking directly at you, to show you that she has the same amount of power as you.
This picture is taken from a scene of game of thrones. We can see Jon Snow coming out from the crowd in the battle of bastards. It is an important scene because he was on the floor and everyone was stepping him and suddenly he shows up to fight.
Slanted angle:
This angle shows Tourmund of Game of thrones climbing a wall of ice from an unnatural point of view. The picture is taken from a high level too because it shows a hard and dangerous scene.
Point of view:
This picture is taken of Breaking bad and it shows Walter and Jesse looking something with an unknonwn look. And sometimes this point is intriguing because you don't know what's in there and you would like to know it.
Wide shot:
The picture is taken from a wide shot and we can see a landscape and the sea full of ships. It shows the ending scene of season 6 of Game of thrones when Daerneys is going to westeros to conquer the iron throne.
Close up shot:
This picture is taken from a scene of Harry Potter. In this shot we can see from close up the emotions and the face experssions that people are showing.
Eye level shot:
This picture shows the face of Arya Stark in an eye level angle. This angle shows the person of the picture looking directly at you, to show you that she has the same amount of power as you.
dissabte, 18 de febrer del 2017
Hello, today I'm gonna talk about my experience in a cruiser. In my entire life I went to two cruise ships, the first was in Greece when I was six and the second in Norway when I was eleven. About the first I can't even remember the trip, I was very little. And the second I think I was little yet and I didn't care about other countries, what is a shame to me because now I regret I didn't have interes. I would like to have had appreciate it because now I'm dying to go somewhere out of the country. So, I'm gonna explain the one that I remember better, Norway.

In both of cruises I went with all my family from my father's side. So, we (my parents and brothers) went to Barcelona to my grandfather's house one day before to leave to prepare the things that we needed. The next day, 19 of July 2011, we woke up at 4:30 to take our flight in the Barcelona aeroport from Barcelona to Paris and from Paris to Amsterdam, there we went up to the cruiser and at 17:00 the cruise ship sailed to Hellesylt.
When I boarded the cuiser I was so exited to be there, it was so big and nice I wish I come back, it was amazing.
The next day was a day of navegation, we stayed aboard having fun. The next days we visited a lots of places and did many excursions. We stopped in: Hellesylt, Honningsvag (there we visited the Nordkapp), Tromso (we went to take a walk and vist the city and to the polar museum), Leknes (there, we visited the Lofoten islands and went to an ice museum), Trondheim (we visited the city), Andalsnes (we spent the day in Valldal and Trollstigen) and Bergen (we visited the city).
We spent 9 days there, seven of them we made these escursions and the two days left we stayed in the cruiser. In the cruiser was great because we woke up whenever we wanted to and we were going relaxed to have a breakfast. Then we ran fast to our stateroom to put on the bikini and get in the pool inmediatly, and we spent all day there or in the game room or just running in the cruiser.
Also, I saw the sun in midnight. It was beautiful and amazing, I couldn't belive that in midnight there was the sun shining.
I would like to do more trips like that because it was an experience that I couldn't enjoy so well as I would like to enjoy it right now.
We spent 9 days there, seven of them we made these escursions and the two days left we stayed in the cruiser. In the cruiser was great because we woke up whenever we wanted to and we were going relaxed to have a breakfast. Then we ran fast to our stateroom to put on the bikini and get in the pool inmediatly, and we spent all day there or in the game room or just running in the cruiser.
Also, I saw the sun in midnight. It was beautiful and amazing, I couldn't belive that in midnight there was the sun shining.
I would like to do more trips like that because it was an experience that I couldn't enjoy so well as I would like to enjoy it right now.
dimecres, 15 de febrer del 2017
It's been diffficult to me to decide because I like a lots of love movies but finally I choose "Me before you".
The movie is about a girl (Louisa Clarke) who lost her job at a local cafe and she's looking for another one. So, she goes to many places but they don't accept her and she needs the money to get ahead the family.
Finally she's hired as a caregiver of Will Traynor, a young man who became paralytic because he was run over with a motorbike, two years earlier he was a he was a successful man who worked as a banker and he was depressed and unhappy because he can no longer go back to how his life was . So, she has no idea to how to do it but Will's mother likes her and thinks that she could make him a little more happier.
He initialy reacts coldly and grumpy with Louisa and at the beggining they hate each other, but started to spend time together and they changed their minds, they became closer and started to like each other.
One day, Louisa finds out that he gave his parents six months before taking him to Switzerland for assisted suicide. She started to made plans, organises trips and adventures to change his mind and make him see that life is worth living.
So, they travel together, go to a Mozart concert, watch the horse racing, they attend to Will's exgirlfriend wedding together, Will meets Louisa's family on her birthday and he makes her the best gift she ever wanted...
Well, I'm not gonna tell you how the movie ends, the only thing that I'm gonna tell you is that I cried so much with this movie because of the good and the sad moments, anyway, it came directly to my heart.
diumenge, 15 de gener del 2017
This Christmas have been a little crazy but very special for me. I think every year I enjoy and I like it more. I love to walk on the streets and see all the city illuminated by colored lights with Christmas shapes and also put up the Christmas tree and decorate it with lights and bells.
When I was little I didn't like it at all but now I think it's tjhe most beautiful time of the year!!
I have spent it in Barcelona and Albacete with my family and friends there. My Christmas started on the 24 of December when I went to Barcelona to see my grandfathers and cousins, when I arrived there I went to visit the city and Christmas lights with my family and it was so nice to see it, I think I fell in love with the city. That day we had a dinner the family together and on the 25 day all the relatives of the family had a lunch, we were twenty four.
On the 26 day I woke up very early to go to Albacete and spend my lasts days of holydays there. We (Paula and I) have a group of friends there so we went often with them to walk around, to dinner or whatever. We also have five cousins who are more little than us. Two of them are 4 years old and they are so sweet. The others are between 10-14, one of them is so close to us and we have so fun together so the days that we weren't with our friends we were with him doing whatever to have fun. I spend new year's eve with my friends in the village of Albacete. We had a dinner together and we ate the grapes together. When we finished the grapes we congratulate the new year and we went to the party.
In conclusion, this was the best Christmas ever, I really enjoyed my time there. So, now it's time to work and sacrificate myself a little for the studies and lose the weight I've uploaded.
When I was little I didn't like it at all but now I think it's tjhe most beautiful time of the year!!
I have spent it in Barcelona and Albacete with my family and friends there. My Christmas started on the 24 of December when I went to Barcelona to see my grandfathers and cousins, when I arrived there I went to visit the city and Christmas lights with my family and it was so nice to see it, I think I fell in love with the city. That day we had a dinner the family together and on the 25 day all the relatives of the family had a lunch, we were twenty four.
On the 26 day I woke up very early to go to Albacete and spend my lasts days of holydays there. We (Paula and I) have a group of friends there so we went often with them to walk around, to dinner or whatever. We also have five cousins who are more little than us. Two of them are 4 years old and they are so sweet. The others are between 10-14, one of them is so close to us and we have so fun together so the days that we weren't with our friends we were with him doing whatever to have fun. I spend new year's eve with my friends in the village of Albacete. We had a dinner together and we ate the grapes together. When we finished the grapes we congratulate the new year and we went to the party.
In conclusion, this was the best Christmas ever, I really enjoyed my time there. So, now it's time to work and sacrificate myself a little for the studies and lose the weight I've uploaded.
-Get higher marks.
-save money to travel or whatever.
-Do skydiving.
-Finish all the series that I'm waching.
- Read more books.
1.Who's the director of this movie phsycho?
The director is Alfred Hitchcock
2.What type of characters did he often use in horros films?
Murderers, girls, criminals phycopaths and assesins.
3. What technique did he use with the camera?
The camera shows the face of the girl and the blood to create the suspense.
The director is Alfred Hitchcock
2.What type of characters did he often use in horros films?
Murderers, girls, criminals phycopaths and assesins.
3. What technique did he use with the camera?
The camera shows the face of the girl and the blood to create the suspense.
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