dimarts, 2 de maig del 2017
Easter holidays
I am gonna talk about my easter holidays. I can say I had a very very good time this easter and I spent it in more than one city or place.
My easter started the next day that we came from italy, it was sunday and I was so tired because I had to wake up at 8:00 am and I didn't rest enough but I dind't care much because I was about to start another trip with my family, I was going to Zaragoza and I really wanted to visit the city and being a tourist. We spent one day in the city and the next morning we went to the capital, Madrid. Since a year ago I wanted to see Madrid and visit it so I was so impatient to arrive. The fist day I was there we went to the bus tourist to know a little more about the city and took a walk. The second day in the morning I went to visit "El museo del Prado", it was very interesting but at the end it stared to get tired. In the afternoon I went to ''el parque del retiro'' and took a walk around there, it was a very nice day and there was a lot of people there, I liked so much that place. The third day I visited "El escorial" we did a guided tour and it turned out to be very interesting, I really was interested in what they explained us. And in the afternoon we went to ''El Valle de los Caidos'' and as in the social class we had studied the civil war and the francoism I was a bit more aware of the subject. The last day there in the morning we went to visit "El palacio Real" but it was closed, so we took a walk around that area and after lunch we left Madrid and we went to my mother's village in Albacete. There, we spent the three days left with our family and friends, there's nothing like that village and I love being there. Sunday morning we came back but we stopped in Barcelona to my grandparents house to celebrate the easter day. Then we went home and all the trip was over, I got into a depression and I wanted to start the trip again.

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